IES Mini Summit

Tuesday May 31, 2011 – Period 2
Wednesday June 1, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7

Student teams representing the nations of the world implement their strategic plan through activities such as country alliance negotiations, invest in long term development projects, interact with global economic institutions, and an international export-import trading session.

LTDP Presentations

Thursday May 26, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7

We concluded our country long term development project presentations for the International Economic Summit. After the presentations, we broke into our advisors to prepare for our mini summit.

Country Presentation 2

Wednesday May 25, 2011 – Period 2

We concluded our country long term development project presentations for the International Economic Summit.

After the presentations, we examined how the industrially advanced countries can help the economic growth process by directing foreign aid to the neediest nations, reducing tariffs and import quotas, providing debt forgiveness to the poorest developing countries, allowing more low-skilled immigration from the developing countries, and discouraging arms sales to the developing countries.

For the last half of class, we watched a video that looked at the benefits of globalization for China.

Country LTDP Presentations

Tuesday May 24, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7

We began our country long term development project presentations for the International Economic Summit.

After the presentations, we exmained the daunting task that developing countires face to promote economic growth. There are no simple methods for achieving quick economic development. Economists suggest that developing countries could make further progress by establishing and enforcing the rule of law, opening their economies to international trade, controlling population growth, encouraging direct foreign investment, building human capital, maintaining peace with neighbors, establishing independent central banks, setting realistic exchange rates, and privatizing state industries.

For the last half of class, we watched a video that looked at the benefits of globalization for China.

Country Presentations 1

Monday May 23, 2011 – Period 2

We began our country presentations for the International Economic Summit.

After the presentations, we exmained the daunting task that developing countires face to promote economic growth. There are no simple methods for achieving quick economic development. Economists suggest that developing countries could make further progress by establishing and enforcing the rule of law, opening their economies to international trade, controlling population growth, encouraging direct foreign investment, building human capital, maintaining peace with neighbors, establishing independent central banks, setting realistic exchange rates, and privatizing state industries.

For the last half of class, we watched a video that examined a bead factory in China. The film examines the effects of cultural and economic globalization. It follows Mardi Gras beads made in China by teenage girls and young women who work in a factory 12 to 14 hours a day, six days a week for around 10 cents an hour.

IES Planning

Friday May 20, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7

Today the groups submitted revised import goals for the Mini-Summit. While this was taking place, the groups met to plan for their country presentations next week and to begin preparation for their costume and table display for the Mini-Summit on June 1st.

For the last half of class, we watched a video that examined a bead factory in China. The film examines the effects of cultural and economic globalization. It follows Mardi Gras beads made in China by teenage girls and young women who work in a factory 12 to 14 hours a day, six days a week for around 10 cents an hour.

Strategic Plan 4

Wednesday May 18, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7
Thursday May 19, 2011 – Period 2

Today we finished our final section of the strategic plan. We planned the forming of trade alliances to avoid the trade tariff. Next week will be the start of country presentations. The mini summit will follow our presentations.

We watched “Behind the Labels” which looked at the harsh conditions of the garment industry in Saipan, a U.S. territory in the Northern Mariana Islands. Lured by the promise of good American jobs, Chinese, Thai, Bangladeshi and Filipino women and men pay thousands of dollars to recruiters and travel far from home, only to find themselves stranded on the tiny island, working 70 or 80 hours a week without overtime pay and living in crowded, company-owned barracks. Much of the sub-minimum wage they earn is taken for living and travel expenses, and they are bound to their employers by contract and by fear.

Strategic Planning 3

Monday May 16, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7
Tuesday May 17, 2011 – Period 2

Today we started our final section of the strategic plan. We discussed the forming of trade alliances to avoid the trade tariff. We will complete our startegic plans on by Friday. Next week will be the start of country presentations. The mini summit will follow our presentations.

For the final half hour of class, we looked at the impact of refugees on the host country. We watched a short video titled “Terror’s Children” by Sharmeen Obaid  She followed the lives of Afghan refugee children, who had been forced to flee Afghanistan.

Strategic Planning 2

Thursday May 12, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7
Friday May 13, 2011 – Period 2

Today we continued working on our startegic plan for the international economic summit. We added page 48 in our Player’s Guide and completed work on pages 45 and 46.. We discussed how to create import goals for our summit.

After completing this assignment we examined the impact of conflict on people and becoming a refugee. We watched a short video by Sorious Samura on Sudanese refugees in Chad.

2004-September: Surviving Sudan from Claudio von Planta on Vimeo.

Strategic Planning 1

Tuesday May 10, 2011 – Periods 1, 5, 7                                                                 Wednesday May 11, 2011 – Period 2

Today we worked on our startegic planning for the international economic summit. We completed pages 45 and 46 in our Player’s Guide. We discussed the trading session and how to create a plan for our summit.

After completing this assignment we examined the impact of HIV on the people of Kenya through a program hosted by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.